Kim Karashian: A hat, some braids, and a smart looking blazer keep this fashionista looking snazzy.
And who knew you could rock sunglasses and a hat at the same time? Looks like something we'll have to try. Kim wears some awesome aviators, dark nail polish and a silky blouse to tie this look together.
Wait, look...another celeb has tried the same thing! Ashton, we're sorry but this is a little tragic...
Talk about cute hairstyles...Khloe K. donned a sweet little hairband and some serious boots the other day. While most people wouldn't attempt this on a fall day in NYC, the Khloe is known for being daring. Anyway, she's used to hanging out LA most of time anyway. Let's take a poll... would you wear those boots?
Hmmm...we're seeing a trend here. Cameron Diaz in a hat, denim and a comfy sweatshirt. That bodyguard sure does look pissed...
Check out who's coming out with a new fall fragrance? Taylor Swift, who can't seem to do any wrong in American's eyes, is coming out with Wonderstruck. Check out the commercial:
Ahhh...royalty. It's so fitting that even on a quiet stroll on the beach ('cept for those pesky Paprazzi), Kate looks smashing as ever. Pink cowl neck sweater, what appears to be leggings, gumboots and a parka over her arm, she looks great. Pippa's button down isn't so bad, either.
Jennifer Aniston looks sexy and cozy with simple relaxed denim and suede Prada ankle boots. Aviators seem to be a running trend in this post...
Boots, boots boots. Hefty and heavy and totally rad. There's those aviators and jeans paired with a white top again...
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