First, it should be said that genetics are the number one reason why some people have gorgeous skin without any effort (just like those girls who can eat Chinese, pizza, bagels and never gain an ounce!)--simply because their genes are good. If you are one of those lucky few, we wish you could share the good fortune. If you are like most of us and have less than perfect skin, you may want to try out some of these suggestions.
1.) Toss those smokes!
Look, we know that YOU know that they are bad for you. But if vanity is going to be the only way to get you off of them, then let it be. Cigarettes cause wrinkles, fine lines, grayness and sallow coloring of the complexion (yuck!) and may even be a cause of breakouts.
Not only are the chemicals bad for your skin, but the smoke depletes your lungs ability to take in oxygen, which further frustrates your blood circulation. Bad circulation isn't good for any part of your body, and it's certainly not good for your skin. Can't do it alone? There are support groups in every major city as well as the patch and gum for quitting. Think about your skin, and your life...and how much more gorgeous both will be once you quit! Bonus: The money you spend on smokes can be spent on skin care products to help the damage you've cause!
Stress is often a major component in break-outs, chafing and even dandruff. The body responds to stress in very interesting ways, and your skin is a good indicator of how you're handling what life is handing you in the moment. If your skin has gone from glowing to ghastly and nothing has changed other than your stress levels..chances are they are the reason why your dealing with skin problems. How to control stress? Experts suggest exercise, meditation, yoga, being out in nature, having a predictable routine during major transitions (such as an activity at the same time each day that calms you) and creating loving support systems around you to help when times get tough.
It's also good for your skin! Why? Exercise boosts the amount of blood flow in the body, which in turn boosts circulation to the skin. This circulates oxygen as well, bringing fresh O2 to your face. Not only does this keep your skin glowing, it also fortifies and helps heal it.
Until next time...come visit us on the web here. To see our locations go here.
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